Bachelorette, Bridal Shower, Bridesmaids Brunch……
We like to partaayyy, ayyy, ayyyy! (Beyonce voice)
When the bride says yes, traditionally there are so many activities to prepare for. Engagement party, Bridal Shower, Bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, and lastly but most important is the Wedding Day! Once you get the official notice that you’re MOH it’s time to get to work! Now we all know there are different types of MOH’s but we’ll assume you’re the MOH that wants to do her best even if you don’t know how. Now I mentioned several events above but as MOH you’re specifically in charge of the bridal shower and bachelorette. So we’re gonna discuss how you prepare for these events.
First, know your bride! There are several questions you need to ask yourself and potentially the bride to be.
Does she even want all these events?
Does she want to be involved in the planning?
Does she already have an idea of how she wants things to go?
Who and what are her must haves?
How big or small would she like things to be?
Once you have those questions answered it’s time to get the squad involved! Squad up! Lol
So now we have all we need from our bride and it’s time to send a quick questionnaire or poll out to the bridal party. I know you may read the poll/questionnaire and think that’s a lot but trust us when we say this will save you a lot of time and eliminate unnecessary back and forth communication. The goal of this is to give everyone privacy in their responses, while giving you an insight into their budget, clothing sizes, etc. Make sure you give them a deadline to complete and send a reminder!
Then comes the third step, start planning!
For the Bach, you would’ve had 3 locations the bride chose, and you added them to the questionnaire. So whichever location wins is where you guys will go or maybe the bride chose the location so there is no debate. Either way, depending on the type of person you are, you’ll need to start planning everything or assign categories to the squad and collect the information. In a perfect world, you want to give everyone 6 months to pay but truthfully it almost always happens that it’s 3 to 4 months. Make an itinerary and send it out, this gives the squad a complete schedule, and they can plan for trip expenses and the most important thing which is the outfits of course! That’s the gist of it for the Bach and we’ll go into more details in our next blog on hosting. 😊
For the Bridal shower, the mother of the bride should be the first person you go to. She may want to host, and you assist. That is great and you stand in where needed and communicate with the group for additional help. However, if she’d prefer to just attend then you will need to do all the things! Pick a theme, find a location, get the guest list and send invites, etc. You will want to give tasks for the bridal party such as games, thank you gifts, prizes, and decorations. Showers are a little simpler as it’s only one day versus the typical 3 day weekend bachelorette.
Whew! So, we’ve said a lot but that’s how you prepare and eliminate confusion as you’ll have a lot of different personalities and budgets.
We’re so excited to continue this conversation and ensure MOH’s have what they need to be successful for your bride’s sake. After all, she is trusting you with one of the most important events of her life! Don’t let her down!
❤️ Team MOH